Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's been a while......

Wow! I can't believe how long its been since I have written anything. A lot has happened since big sis came to visit! Big sis moved in with us! lol. Marie wanted to move back up here from NC, so we let her and the kids stay with us until they could get on their feet. Now it's 3 months later and she just got into her own place. I am so happy for her and happy to have my house back =D It was hard having another family live with us, but we all handled it pretty well. I pray that everything works out good for her and her family. Ben has started a new job since the last time I wrote. He now works in construction and he finally has a set schedule. I love that he is home with us more and through the night! This job is just temporary though. Ben will leave for bootcamp on July 1st of this year for the Navy =( It will be a major adjustment for our family, but he has my support. We both feel that it is the best decision for us at this time. Brandon is doing good. I now have weekly visitation with him and he will live with us for most of the summer. It is such a blessing to have more time with him. I hope sometime in the future he will be living with us primarily. It was really hard for him to have his cousins live here with us, but he got through his frustrations of it all. Kirsten is growing so fast and it is such a joy watching her learn new things. She is crawling a little now and she sits up on her own really well. I started her on solids at around 5 1/2 - 6 months because she would watch us eat and try grabbing our food to put in her mouth. I have been wanting to post some pics of her for a while now. I also have a video where she scooted from the middle of the living room floor all the way to her daddy in front of the sink in the kitchen. She was so cute!! I didn't catch the very beginning, but I caught most of it. I was geeking, so don't pay attention to me in the background, lol. I sound so silly, hehe. I took Evelyn's idea of making a collage of some of the pics, thanks Evelyn! And for me, I plan on continuing my education for a degree in computer science with taking online courses starting this summer. I'm still not working right now, but my uncle said he is finally picking up more work, so he might need me to start back soon. The good thing about working with him is the fact that he will let me bring Kirsten to work with me. That is so awesome!! I am really not ready to leave her for more then a couple of hours. I also received my calling recently to teach 6 year olds (CTR6):o That really scares me as I have not done anything like this before. It will definetly be a learning experience for me. Other then that I just enjoy being at home with Kirsten and helping others when I can. I need to go for now I want to watch a movie with my hubby before we go to bed ;) Tata for now, lol. I will leave you with some pics of us and a cute video that took FOREVER to upload, lol.
Kirsten enjoying some peas and mashed taters :p and she sure made a big mess :o I think she got more on her then in her mouth, lol =D Kirsten playing with her toys :) I'm normally not very photogenic, but this one came out pretty good I think. I really love this pic of me and my Kirsty Bear!! My two angels! It looks like Kirsten is trying to make Brandon smile. I loved this pic & the one above it so much I had them printed off so I could frame them. Kirsten really loves sucking her thumb!!

Kirsten & daddy! The flash causes her to close her eyes, lol.

Awwwwwww!! Need I say more =)

Here is the video I was talking about earlier. This is the first and only time we seen Kirsten do this so like I said, don't pay attention to me geeking, lol =)


vicki said...

WHat a delight and a joy!!! It is so much fun to hear Kirsten's parents delighting in her and her accomplishments. Children were meant to have parents who love her as you do!
Aren't you so glad to be a stay-at-home mom, and Dad was home for that big FirST.

Tori said...

How sweet! Thank you so much for sharing the awesome pictures and awesome and fun event! I loved your "geeking" in the background. I think it's most appropriately referred to as "adoring"! :)

I see Ria and Tea SO much in Kirsten! They are definitely cousins, but could totally be sisters!