Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween =D

We took Kirsten to the "Trunk or Treat" they had here on base Friday night. She fell a sleep in the car on the way, so when we got there and woke her up she didn't know what to think seeing all the people in costumes. She just stared at everything with a confused look on her face. We did the little train ride they had and walked around for a little while. We enjoyed ourselves. It was nice to get out and do something together as a family. We were also going to take Kirsten out trick or treating on Halloween night, but it didn't work out =( Ben went in to school to do his homework and planned to be home around 6pm. It ended up taking a lot longer then he thought and he didn't make it home till like 8:30. If I would of known he was going to be late I would have went with someone else, but I kept thinking, he's just running a little late and would be here any minute. Their not allowed to have there phones in the building, so that's why he didn't call. We still had a good night together after he got home and we have plenty of years to take Kirsten out on Halloween. The important thing is that we were able to spend time together and that's what matters most. Kirsten did not like wearing her costume but she was so cute!! Here is some pics of her in her costume as a little lamb and a couple of the pumpkin Ben carved.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A little update on our family

Wow! Its been a while since we've been on here. Well, Ben finished basic training as a honor grad. I made the trip to Great Lakes to see his graduation accompanied by my sis Marie and niece Alexis and Kirsten of course. It was a long ride and I was very grateful to have them ride along with me. It was really neat to see the graduation and to see Ben again after 2 months. We both had lost some weight during our separation and couldn't wait for the other to see. I was almost back to pre-pregnancy weight and Ben had went down a couple of pant sizes too and was more fit. He was so handsome in his dress whites. It was a very exciting trip, but I dreaded coming back home and having to wait another 1 1/2 weeks to be with Ben again. We are now living in Goose Creek, SC while Ben attends Nuclear Power School. We will be here about 2 years. The town of Goose Creek really sucks, but I hear downtown Charleston is really nice. We haven't made it there yet because of Ben's very busy schedule. He spends at least 14 hrs at school each day so we barely get to see him. It gets frustrating at times, but I am so proud of him and for all his hard work. Ben will graduate A school in December and then go to power school for 6 months. Some wives out here tell me that he will be home even less then now during power school. I don't like to hear that and I am not looking forward to it. I know that heavenly father will help us both get through it and everything will be okay.

Kirsten is doing well and is growing so much. Ben sees it more then I do because he's not here with her as often as I am. We really had a scare a little over a week ago when she spiked a fever and had a febrile seizure. We didn't know that was what it was at the time. She was choking on her tongue and couldn't breathe so we called 911. It was very frighting to see her go through that. I am still freaked out by it all and very paranoid now. The doctors tell me she is at risk to have another one every time she runs a fever. I really hope it doesn't happen again and I pray every night that it won't. Other then being more clingy then usual and wanting to nurse all the time now, she's doing a lot better. I love watching her play with her toys or dance any time she hears music. She absolutely loves Elmo and gets so excited when sesame street comes on. She can be in another room and hear it coming on and runs in here to start dancing and watch it. There is this teddy bear she likes to carry around too and it is just adorable.

All is well with us here in Goose Creek and we can't wait to come home to visit family and friends. Here are some recent pics of Kirsten and a couple of Ben in his work uniform.

Friday, June 5, 2009

It just hit me....

Last weekend my family and I moved in with my parents before I report to Basic Training for the Navy on July 1st. And this past week it just hit me....I am leaving in less than 30 days to go to a place I have never been, to do something I have never been, and to be something I have never been before!! It is kinda scary. I have never been without my family before, never slept away from them, and I have always been able to be there for them. A freedom that I often took for granted. And now that I am coming closer to my time it is becoming all so real to me. It is hard to express in words what I feel....Happy to finally be apart of something (career wise), excited for something new, Sad to miss out on so much of what will happen with my daughter and family, Sad to not live so close to family, thrilled to see new things, experience new places, and to have opportunities knocking at our door. It is all so bittersweet!!
Being in my parents home again is surreal and kinda strange. I feel like a kid at times watching TV with my dad. Nothing in particular, just being in a familiar place and remembering that the best times that I had were bonding with my father in front of the TV. We had some good ones in the garage or on outings. But, those were usually kinda rare. I am also taken back to my childhood when I talk with my mother in her kitchen. Just talking about anything. That was always the place that I seemed to open up to her the most. The real difference is that I have a family of my own and I can see my parents watching me with them and it almost seems as if they are going back in time with me. When we all used to be younger like my family is now. Maybe to what used to be. Wishing to be there and that time would stand still to allow those great moments to last forever. Isn't it odd that our greatest moments aren't always the ones that we are in. But, the moments that we reflect upon that make them great. I also have some sad moments too...It is one of those "It just hit me" moments. When I realize that the time that I have now with my parents may be the most I get to see them and be with them before this next step in life. As I leave the "nest" again.
Our daughter Kirsten is so sick. She has been running a fever for days. And at times completely inconsolable. I have found myself crying with her wishing her pain would stop. And then I find her, the woman that I love. My wife, my best friend, right there to comfort our daughter which in turn comforts me. It is in moments like these that I realize how blessed we are and how successful we will be in a new place with only each other and no immediate family to fall back on. She is a rock and a wonderful, loving person. I am grateful that God gave her to me, blessed my life with her. She has brought me so much. From my Step-son Brandon to our Daughter Kirsten. What joys they are in my life and what great teachers they are to me. I hope that I have not bored you to death. If you have enjoyed reading please let us know we would love to read your comments or critiques if you have them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a few updated pics =)

Kirsten in her pretty pink dress looking at her little book.

I love this outfit on her and she loves playing in her tunnel.

Sooooo cute!!


Brandon sporting a mohawk while making funny faces, lol.

Brandon trying to look mean while sporting his mohawk, he's so silly.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's been a while......

Wow! I can't believe how long its been since I have written anything. A lot has happened since big sis came to visit! Big sis moved in with us! lol. Marie wanted to move back up here from NC, so we let her and the kids stay with us until they could get on their feet. Now it's 3 months later and she just got into her own place. I am so happy for her and happy to have my house back =D It was hard having another family live with us, but we all handled it pretty well. I pray that everything works out good for her and her family. Ben has started a new job since the last time I wrote. He now works in construction and he finally has a set schedule. I love that he is home with us more and through the night! This job is just temporary though. Ben will leave for bootcamp on July 1st of this year for the Navy =( It will be a major adjustment for our family, but he has my support. We both feel that it is the best decision for us at this time. Brandon is doing good. I now have weekly visitation with him and he will live with us for most of the summer. It is such a blessing to have more time with him. I hope sometime in the future he will be living with us primarily. It was really hard for him to have his cousins live here with us, but he got through his frustrations of it all. Kirsten is growing so fast and it is such a joy watching her learn new things. She is crawling a little now and she sits up on her own really well. I started her on solids at around 5 1/2 - 6 months because she would watch us eat and try grabbing our food to put in her mouth. I have been wanting to post some pics of her for a while now. I also have a video where she scooted from the middle of the living room floor all the way to her daddy in front of the sink in the kitchen. She was so cute!! I didn't catch the very beginning, but I caught most of it. I was geeking, so don't pay attention to me in the background, lol. I sound so silly, hehe. I took Evelyn's idea of making a collage of some of the pics, thanks Evelyn! And for me, I plan on continuing my education for a degree in computer science with taking online courses starting this summer. I'm still not working right now, but my uncle said he is finally picking up more work, so he might need me to start back soon. The good thing about working with him is the fact that he will let me bring Kirsten to work with me. That is so awesome!! I am really not ready to leave her for more then a couple of hours. I also received my calling recently to teach 6 year olds (CTR6):o That really scares me as I have not done anything like this before. It will definetly be a learning experience for me. Other then that I just enjoy being at home with Kirsten and helping others when I can. I need to go for now I want to watch a movie with my hubby before we go to bed ;) Tata for now, lol. I will leave you with some pics of us and a cute video that took FOREVER to upload, lol.
Kirsten enjoying some peas and mashed taters :p and she sure made a big mess :o I think she got more on her then in her mouth, lol =D Kirsten playing with her toys :) I'm normally not very photogenic, but this one came out pretty good I think. I really love this pic of me and my Kirsty Bear!! My two angels! It looks like Kirsten is trying to make Brandon smile. I loved this pic & the one above it so much I had them printed off so I could frame them. Kirsten really loves sucking her thumb!!

Kirsten & daddy! The flash causes her to close her eyes, lol.

Awwwwwww!! Need I say more =)

Here is the video I was talking about earlier. This is the first and only time we seen Kirsten do this so like I said, don't pay attention to me geeking, lol =)